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Watch "WAP" Mask Parody Video by Birdi Jay

You'll Smile Big (Under Your Mask) While Watching This "WAP" Mask Parody Video

COVID-19 vaccines are starting to be distributed, but according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, masks are still one of the best tools we can use to slow the spread of the coronavirus. To inspire people to continue wearing masks, the band The Mental Notes from Johns Hopkins University created this amazing and creative "WAP" parody called "WAmP (Wear a Mask Please)." Watching this video is a great reminder on how to wear masks so they're actually effective. Spoiler: slipping it down to take a quick photo is not a good idea!

In the background, you can hear repeated, "There's a mask on this mouth, there's a mask on this mouth . . . " And we love that the Johns Hopkins mascot, Jay, even got in on the action, wearing a mask while lying on the floor in a sea of blue masks. They say, "It's not cruel, don't be a fool, out in public, it's a rule!" The main message is clear and what we already know — just wear the damn mask, please!

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