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Sabra Avocado Toast

Deep Breaths, Brunchers: Sabra Is Selling $3 Avocado Toast So Our Wallets Can Rest Easy

*Taps mic.* Let's have a talk, readers, from one millennial to every brunch-loving, 'cado toast-picture snapping person out there: avocado toast is delicious. It's a healthy breakfast alternative and it's just seriously pretty to look at, but the prices are getting out of hand. There's no reason a fancy piece of toast with a fruit and some toppings should cost around $10 — that's why Sabra is here in a crunchy cape to save the day. The creators of your favourite pretzel and hummus combination packs have expanded into the guacamole department, and recently released Breakfast Avocado Toast packs.

For less than $3, brunch-lovers and 'cado-cravers alike can enjoy the refreshing taste of avocado toast for a fraction of the price. And because we know what your next question is, the reviews are overwhelmingly positive! One Instagram user said, "The toast was perfect and crunchy and the [avocado] spread was full of chunks and wonderfully spiced enough for flavour but not too much."

Elite Daily spotted the snack packs from grocery-aficionados The Impulsive Buy, and it looks like the 190-calorie goodies are already in stores! With Target selling the Breakfast Avocado Toast for less that $3, and Sabra listing tons of grocery and convenience stores carrying the on-the-go snack, we just have one last question: what are you waiting for?! Read on to see Instagram users loving their packaged treats, and then we'll see you in the refrigerator aisle.
