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Reasons Moms Love the End of Summer

15 Reasons I'm Ecstatic That Summer Break Is Almost Over

Reasons Moms Love the End of Summer
Image Source: Pexels / Pixabay

When Summer break began for my kids, I was all about giving them a fun, memorable few months. We went swimming practically every day, played endless games, and took trips to amusement parks and the beach on a weekly basis. It was great . . . for a while.

Now that we've entered the home stretch of the season, I've found myself slightly dreading the long, hot days with them. My fun mom status has officially turned into exhausted mom status, and I've over it. While swimming and sunshine were once appealing, now I'm all about finding peace and quiet. Fortunately for me, there's a light at the end of the tunnel, because school will be starting again soon, and to say I'm excited is a bit of an understatement! Keep reading for 15 reasons I can't wait to wave goodbye to Summer break.

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