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Elmo's Dad Talks Protesting in CNN Sesame Street Town Hall

Elmo's Dad Explains Why People Are Protesting in a Way That Educates Both Kids and Parents

Elmo's dad Louie returned to teach a valuable lesson about protesting during CNN and Sesame Street's town hall about racism on Saturday, June 6. He answered Elmo's questions about the ongoing racial equality demonstrations across the country in a way that will resonate with parents and children alike.

"Through protesting, people are able to share their feelings and make things better."

Elmo asked his dad why groups of people were joining, and Louie explained they're protestors who "come together to show they are upset and disagree about something — they want to make others aware of the problem. He continued, "Through protesting, people are able to share their feelings and make things better."

Elmo noticed the protesters looked upset. "They are sad and upset and they have every right to be, Elmo," Louie responded. "People are upset because racism is a huge problem in our country."

"Across the country people of colour, especially in the Black community, are being treated unfairly because of how they look, their culture, race, and who they are," he continued, noting that "Not all streets are like Sesame Street." Watch the powerful video above, which can serve as an educational experience for the whole family.

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