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Here's How to Stop Caring What Other People Think About You

How to Stop Caring What Other People Think About You

Own Your Story

I hate to admit it, but I used to spend way too much time caring about what other people thought of me. I would please and appease at every turn to avoid confrontation, or worse, rejection. Over everything else, I wanted to be liked and accepted.

It's a common form of mental torture that can find its way into almost every part of our day. We worry about everything from what people think of how we look at the gym to what we wear to work to if others think we're smart and approve of our life decisions. Our thoughts are constantly invaded by the opinions of others.

But here's the problem with living your life in fear of what others think: it eliminates the option to just be yourself. Philosopher Lao Tzu put it best when he said, "Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner." It's taken me a bit of time and a lot of work to unravel my need to be liked so I can live my life on my terms. Here are six steps to help keep your mind focussed on you.

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