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Meal Prep For Beginners

New to Meal Prep? Here's a Grocery List and Step-by-Step Instructions For Your First Week

Meal Prep For Beginners

So you've made it your resolution or goal to start meal prepping. Whether you want to lose weight, save money, or simply eat a bit healthier, meal prep is an excellent, tried-and-true tactic that lots of people rely on to make hectic weeknight dinners a thing of the past and their goals more attainable. That said, it can feel beyond intimidating when you're getting started.

Ahead is a simple, healthful five-day menu with ingredients you can find anywhere (typically at a bargain, too!). This plan is modifiable, customizable, and above all, a great outline you can refer back to again and again. Get excited for delicious soups and salads, hearty protein bowls, and lightning fast breakfasts.

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