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Is the F45 8-Week Challenge Worth the Money?

One Editor’s Honest Thoughts on Whether the F45 8-Week Challenge Is Worth It

Is the F45 8-Week Challenge Worth the Money?
Image Source: F45 Training

When we hear about a fitness challenge that focuses on achieving more than just weight loss goals, we start listening. The F45 8-Week Challenge has shown up on my Instagram for months — the universe was clearly trying to tell me something. After an overseas move a year ago, and therefore, a complete shake up of my entire routine and day-to-day life, I decided it was time to give the damn thing a go.

The F45 8-Week Challenge is exactly that — an eight-week program that combines the company's signature 45-minute circuit workout classes with a detailed meal plan and a lot of motivation along the way. Sure, one of the big motivators for challenges like this one are often weight loss, but the trainers at my gym — F45 Brixton, in south west London — made it clear to everyone taking part that the eight weeks were about creating healthy habits through small lifestyle changes that will have a big impact on your mental and physical well-being in the long term.

Going into week one, I thought I'd have to give up coffee, carbs, and all the joy in my life, while training six days per week. None of that was true. At F45 Brixton, they emphasise that consistency is key, so, if that meant still drinking my coffee in the morning and training three times per week — consistently — then that's a win. Success is measured in a few different ways during the challenge: with a fitness test called The Playoffs, a full-body scan that measures your body composition, and before and after photos.

Of course, the price will always be a consideration as well. For existing members, the challenge is free, but if you're signing up to F45 for the first time, then the cost of a monthly membership (which gives you unlimited classes at your chosen F45 gym) ranges from £140 (Greater London) to £220 (in Central London).

So, if you're looking for a new challenge in the gym, or want to create some new healthy habits (but don't know where to start), then the F45 8-Week Challenge may be what you're looking for. Keep reading for my thoughts and to figure out whether you should sign up for the next round.

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