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Kayla Itsines's BBG Zero-Equipment Express Abs Workout

Try This 13-Minute Ab Workout From Kayla Itsines's New 100% Equipment-Free Program

Kayla Itsines listened when you all said that finding equipment and figuring out how to train at home (and in small spaces) was becoming a challenge. To help you all maintain a consistent workout routine and to take the stress away from trying to figure out how to create a plan, she created a new program: BBG Zero Equipment.

"I created BBG Zero Equipment to help make working out at home as simple as possible by removing the need for equipment and giving women the tools and confidence to work out effectively using their bodyweight," Itsines said. Her new program features high-intensity bodyweight workouts that are true to the signature 28-minute BBG workouts, in addition to featuring express workouts ranging from 12 to 15 minutes. The goal of this 16-week program is to improve your fitness level, core stability, and overall strength, and we're superexcited about it!

To give you a taste of what you can expect, Itsines created this express abs workout, and it only takes 13 minutes to do. Grab a yoga mat (or head to a soft surface) and follow along to the above video. And if you'd like an in-depth description on how to perform each exercise, continue reading. If you loved this workout (which we're sure you will), check out the full program on the Sweat app.

Kayla Itsines's 13-Minute Express Abs Workout

Start off with five minutes of cardio and light stretching to warm up your muscles. This workout should be completed as a circuit, taking little to no rest in between each exercise. Itsines said to perform each exercise for 30 seconds. Once you finish one round of the circuit take 30 seconds of rest, and repeat for a total of three rounds. If you need more rest, feel free to take it. Be sure to cool down and stretch after you finish the workout.

  1. Caterpillar walk and half burpee: start standing with your feet slightly further than shoulder-width distance apart. Looking straight ahead, bend at both your hips and knees, placing your hands on the floor directly in front of your feet. Without moving your feet, walk both of your hands forward until you're in a push-up position with both legs extended behind you. You should be resting on the balls of your feet. Jump your feet forward, just behind your hands, then jump them backward, returning to the push-up position. Without moving your feet, walk your hands back toward your feet and stand up, returning to the starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  2. High knees: start standing with both feet slightly further than shoulder-width distance apart. Keeping your weight in your left foot, bend your right leg, bringing your knee into your chest. Lower your right leg and plant your foot on the floor. Keeping your weight on your right leg, bend your left leg, bringing your knee into your chest. Once you're comfortable with this movement, increase your speed so that you're hopping from one foot to the other. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  3. Bent-leg jackknife: start lying on your back on a yoga mat with your arms extended above your head. Engage your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button in toward your spine and elevate your legs off the mat slightly. On an inhale, bend your knees, engage your core, and draw your knees in toward your chest, keeping your feet together. At the same time, bring your arms towards your feet, slowly lifting your head, shoulder blades, and torso off the mat. On an exhale, slowly lower your arms and extend your legs to return to the starting position without letting your feet touch the ground. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  4. X mountain climber: place both of your hands on a yoga mat with your arms fully extended and with your legs extended directly behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. This is your starting position. Keeping your right foot on the floor, bend your left knee and bring it into your chest and towards your right elbow. Extend your left leg to return to the starting position. Repeat this same movement, bringing your right leg in toward your left elbow, then return it to the starting position. Continue alternating between the left and right sides for 30 seconds.
  5. Side plank with a hip lift: start by lying on your left side on a yoga mat with your forearm directly underneath your shoulder. Be sure to keep your forearm parallel to the short side of the mat. Extend both legs and use your obliques (your sides) to raise your hips off the mat. Stack your right foot on top of the left foot, or cross your right foot over your left leg and place it on the mat. Draw your ribs in to engage your core. On an inhale, gently lower your hips down towards the floor. On an exhale, lift your hips back up to the starting position. Repeat for 15 seconds on the left side and 15 seconds on the right side.
  6. High plank alternating superman: begin on all fours on a yoga mat, resting your knees on the mat with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Step your feet towards the back of the mat, one foot at a time, and lift your hips so that your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels. Draw your ribs in to engage your core. Exhale and bend your right elbow and place your right hand right above the small of your back with your palm facing upward. Be sure to brace your abs and keep your hips parallel to the ground. On an inhale, return your hand to the starting position. Repeat on the left side. Continue alternating for 30 seconds.
  7. Flutter: start by lying on your back on a yoga mat. Engage your abdominal muscles by drawing your belly button in towards your spine and raising both legs off the floor. At the same time, slightly raise your right leg up while lowering your left leg. Neither foot should touch the ground. Lower your right leg and then lift your left leg up, making a scissor-like motion. Continue alternating for 30 seconds.
Image Source: SWEAT App
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