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Kelsey Wells Dumbbell Shoulder Workout

Tone Your Shoulders and Improve Your Posture With Kelsey Wells's 4-Move Workout

As a trainer, I think women should focus more on their upper body when they go to the gym. Having a strong upper body is important because we use our back, arms, and shoulders every day during basic movements like pushing a door open or picking things up off the ground.

Since so many people have asked NASM-certified trainer Kelsey Wells about her shoulder workouts, she decided to share a few of her favourite moves on Instagram. "I train shoulders once a week combined with abs," she explained in her Instagram caption.

The Workout

If you're a beginner, start with three to four sets of 10-12 reps. If you have experience lifting weights, complete three to five sets of 12-15 reps.

Don't forget to watch how Kelsey performs each exercise in the video above.

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